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Attitudes Aren't Free Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the Us Armed Forces by Parco, James E., Levy, Davi... ISBN: 9781585662043
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Setup : What the Air Force Did in Vietnam and Why by Tilford, Earl H., Ziemke, C... ISBN: 9781782664307 List Price: $19.95
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Attitudes Aren't Free: Thinking Deeply about Diversity in the U.S. Armed Forces by Air University Press ISBN: 9781780392011 List Price: $44.95
Lorenz on Leadership: Lessons on Effectively Leading People, Teams and Organizations by Stephen R. Lorenzt, Air For... ISBN: 9781782661603 List Price: $24.95
Military Airpower: A Revised Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts by Charles M. Westenhoff, Air ... ISBN: 9781907521522 List Price: $22.95
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AU-18 Space Primer: Prepared by Air Command and Staff College Space Research Electives Seminar by Air Command and Staff Colle... ISBN: 9781780392172 List Price: $29.95
Airpower Leadership on the Front Line by Douglas A. Cox, Air Univers... ISBN: 9781780392035 List Price: $16.95
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A Need to Know: The Role of Air Force Reconnaissance in War Planning, 1945-1953 by John T. Farquhar, Air Unive... ISBN: 9781780392028 List Price: $24.95
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Airpower for Strategic Effect by Gray, Colin S., Lambeth, Be... ISBN: 9781780397863 List Price: $44.95
Reflections of a Technocrat: Managing Defense, Air, and Space Programs during the Cold War by John L. McLucas, Air Univer... ISBN: 9781780399683 List Price: $26.95
Air Power for Patton's Army - The XIX Tactical Air Command in the Second World War by David N. Spires, Air Univer... ISBN: 9781782663805 List Price: $47.95
The Quest for Relevant Air Power: Continental European Responses to the Air Power Challenges... by Christian F. Anrig, Air Uni... ISBN: 9781907521645 List Price: $69.95
Heirpower!: Eight Basic Habits of Exceptionally Powerful Lieutenants by Bob Vasquez, Air University... ISBN: 9781780399652 List Price: $9.95
Space Power Integration: Perspectives from Space Weapons Officers by Air University Press ISBN: 9781780399737 List Price: $19.95
No Sense Dwelling in the Past: The Fate of the US Air Force's German Air Force Monograph Pro... by Ryan Shaughnessy, Air Unive... ISBN: 9781780399676 List Price: $24.95
Responsibility of Command: How UN and NATO Commanders Influenced Airpower over Bosnia by Mark A Bucknam, Air Univers... ISBN: 9781780399720 List Price: $27.95
Concepts of Operations for a Reusable Launch Vehicle by Air University (U.S.) Press... ISBN: 9781249358138 List Price: $49.00
Military Resistance to Humanitarian War in Kosovo and Beyond : An Ideological Explanation by Air University (U.S.) Press... ISBN: 9781249374428 List Price: $49.00
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